Hair Transplant Procedure Step By Step Guide

Hair loss is common among males and females. Due to excessive hair loss, many of them start experiencing baldness. Once baldness arrives, none other than a hair transplant is effective in reversing the condition. As a result, hair transplant surgery is in high demand for hair restoration. 

In this article, Dr. Akangsha Sharma - a leading cosmetic and plastic surgeon renowned for the Best Hair Transplant in Jaipur, will provide a step-by-step guide to the hair transplant procedure. 

What is a Hair Transplant Procedure?

A hair transplant is a hair restoration technique for baldness. This surgical procedure treats baldness by implanting new hair roots into the bald scalp. To do so, hairs in the form of a strip or graft, taken from the patient's donor site of the backside of the head, chest, and pubic area are used. This entire process of a hair transplant is categorized into below mentioned steps:-

Step 1: Initial Consultation

The hair transplant procedure starts with initial face-to-face consultation between the person and the cosmetic surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon examines the candidate’s scalp, the pattern of hair loss, and medical history. After that, the surgeon discusses the patient's expectations from the surgery to determine whether the candidate is suitable for the procedure or not. Thereafter, the surgeon schedules a date and time for the hair transplant. 

Step 2 Post Surgery candidate's preparation

Until the scheduled date arrives, doctors advise the candidates to prepare the body for hair transplant surgery. This may include avoiding alcohol, and blood thinning tablets, staying positive, and hydrated. Additionally, some doctors advise leaving the hairs untrimmed and washing them properly. 

Step 3: Marking of Bald Scalp

On the day of the hair transplant, the candidate visits the clinic again. Here the doctor, with the help of technical staff, marks the candidate's scalp where the hair will be transplanted and shows it to the patient. Once the patient gives approval, hair transplant surgery starts with an injection of local anesthesia into the candidate’s scalp. Anaesthesia minimizes discomfort or pain patients will experience during the surgery.

Step 4: Extraction

The next step is hair extraction. There are two primary methods for hair extraction: Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). In FUE, individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor area, usually at the back of the head, using a small, specialized tool. 

In FUT, a strip of scalp containing hair follicles is removed from the donor area, and the follicles are dissected under a microscope. The method used will depend on the patient's hair type, the amount of hair required, and the surgeon's preference.

A direct and a combination of FUE and FUT techniques, in addition to hair primary and hair transplant surgeries, are famous these days. These are both speedy and effective techniques one can consider.

Step 5: Creation of Recipient Sites

Once the hair follicles have been extracted, the surgeon creates small incisions or recipient sites in the balding area of the scalp. These sites are carefully placed to create a natural-looking hairline and maximize hair density. The size and placement of these incisions are crucial for achieving optimal results.

Step 6: Transplantation

The extracted hair follicles are then transplanted into the recipient sites. Each hair follicle is carefully placed into the incision using a specialized instrument. The surgeon will place the hair follicles at the appropriate angle, depth, and direction to create a natural-looking result.

Step 7: Post-Operative Care

After the transplant procedure gets over, the surgeon provides specific post-operative care instructions. These instructions may include taking pain medication, using special shampoo or conditioner, and avoiding any strenuous activity or direct sunlight for a certain period. The patient will also need to avoid touching the transplanted area and refrain from wearing any hats or headgear that may rub against the scalp.

Step 8: Recovery and Results

Hair transplant surgery is a surgical procedure, and most patients return to work or daily activities within a few days. However, the transplanted hair follicles will initially shed, and the patient may experience some redness or swelling in the scalp area. It takes months for the transplanted hair to grow and blend seamlessly with the surrounding hair. Full results may not be visible until a year after the procedure.

Ideal Candidate for Hair Transplant Treatment

  • One who has experienced significant hair loss and desires to restore their hairline or improve hair density.

  • Both male and female

  • Anyone who has experienced hair loss due to injury, scarring, or medical treatments such as chemotherapy.

  • One with realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure, as hair transplant results can vary depending on the individual's hair type, extent of hair loss, and other factors. 

Cost of Hair Transplant in Jaipur

A Hair transplant cost in Jaipur varies from one clinic to another. However, the reason behind this is factors of a hair transplant treatment such as:

  1. Number of grafts: The cost of a hair transplant procedure is usually determined by the number of grafts needed to achieve the desired result. The more grafts required, the higher the cost.

  2. Technique used: There are two primary techniques used for hair transplant, follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT). FUE is generally more expensive than FUT because it is a more time-consuming and intricate procedure.

  3. Experience of the surgeon: The experience and reputation of the surgeon performing the procedure can also affect the cost. Experienced and highly skilled surgeons may charge more for their services.

  4. Location of the Clinic: The location of the clinic can also influence the cost of a hair transplant. Clinics in more expensive areas may charge more for their services.

  5. Additional services: Some clinics may offer additional services such as post-operative care, medications, or follow-up appointments. These services can increase the overall cost of the procedure.

Here it is important to note that while cost is an important consideration, it should not be the only factor in choosing a hair transplant provider. It is essential to select a reputable and experienced surgeon who uses the most advanced techniques to achieve the best possible results.

To learn more about hair transplant treatment visit AK Aesthetics and schedule an appointment with Dr. Akangsha Sharma- the Best Cosmetic Surgeon in India for more details on this amazon procedure!


  1. full of knowledge post. thanks for sharing. we are living in Dubai, In UAE ILHT Dubai hair transplant surgery Center is the best option to choose for quality services.

  2. Thanks for great information, i will share your article in Haihub clinic in pakistan


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