How Do FUE And FUT Hair Transplants Differ From One Another?

Hair loss may affect everyone, and it influences the individual's physical appearance as well as emotional and psychological well-being. Dr. Akangsha Sharma provides the Best Hair Transplant in Jaipur . A hair transplant is the only hair restoration surgery that offers long-term and positive results. Hair is transplanted from the donor area, which has thicker hair, and replaced in the thinning or bald parts of the scalp during the hair transplant operation. FUE and FUT are two traditional hair transplant procedures. However, people often get confused between both. So, let's learn the difference between the two in this blog. FUE Hair transplant procedure: FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is a hair transplant procedure in which individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor region and transplanted into the recipient area. Here's a step-by-step guide to FUE hair transplantation: Donor area preparation: Before the surgery, the donor area (typically the back or sides...